Cantilever Distillery & Chankaska Creek

Cantilever Distillery follows in the footsteps of the forefathers of the spirits movement of modern day America. Named for the bridge that helped smugglers keep the greater Midwest out of the tight grip of sobriety during the Prohibition era, Cantilever delivers on its promise of full bodied spirits. Cantilever Bourbon is distilled with a slightly higher than average wheat content, allowing for a sweet and smooth mouth feel and a rich and well spiced finish that does the Northwoods proud.

Cantilever distillery was built on the original location of a popular border guide: Woody’s Fairly Reliable Guide Service. In honor of their roots, Cantilever produces a line of spirits meant for those who wish to live in the spirit of the true north. Woody’s American-Canadian blended Rye, aptly blended for the man who built his empire on the border of two great nations, is perfect to brace yourself against the chilling winds of Northern Minnesota. Woody’s Gin and Vodka were expertly crafted to help ease you into that long weekend you’ve been drooling over Monday to Friday. Between the artful design of Cantilever and the consistently tasty Woody’s, Cantilever distillery has the perfect spirit for everyone who wants to get a feel for what living in the North is truly all about.

Chankaska Creek is about more than just wine. While they have been awarded for their wines countless times, Chankaska strives to give you a complete experience. The founders of Chankaska Creek, so named for the creek that runs through the vineyard just outside of Kasota, Minnesota, traveled all across the world for ideas on how to get their winery just right. Now producing over twenty unique and delicious wines, Chankaska Creek also has a budding distillery, helping it stand alone as the only winery in Minnesota to produce both award winning wine and spirits. Not only are the products of Chankaska award winning, the Winery itself is one of the most popular event destinations in the Midwest. The ranch, sprawling over twenty-five stunning acres, is home to a number of venues where you can congregate with friends and family to enjoy the view and the spoils of years of dedication to crafting only the finest of wines and spirits.
